The book that nearly killed me

The book that nearly killed me

I released a book yesterday and my anxiety levels have possibly never been higher. I have never been more scared to put a book out there than I am with this one. Why? Because this book… THIS BOOK almost killed me. It made me question myself as an author. It very...
Along the Razor’s Edge Paperbacks

Along the Razor’s Edge Paperbacks

I seem to be making something of a habit of these apology posts after releasing a book. But at least this time I can honestly say, it’s not my fault. I’ve received word from a number of readers that there have been delays regarding the Along the...
The Future of Never Die

The Future of Never Die

Never Die turns 1 year old today! *Waits for the rendition of Happy Birthday to die down*. My little book written as a love letter to martial arts films has exceeded any and all expectations I had for it. It’s a hit! And you, my readers, have spoken. The most...
A Big ‘Ol Apology

A Big ‘Ol Apology

Let’s start by saying that I’m really sorry. Honestly, sorry!   My next book, Along the Razor’s Edge, was supposed to be releasing next month. That’s not going to happen. The truth is, I messed up. I spent far too long deliberating about what I...
What to expect from ol’ Bobby Jo in 2019

What to expect from ol’ Bobby Jo in 2019

It’s the last day of 2018, and what a year it’s been. Honestly there are days I wonder how we all made it through this shit storm… But that’s not what this post is about. It’s about the future! And that’s why instead of the usual...
December Giveaway – Draw a Pirate!

December Giveaway – Draw a Pirate!

Yo-ho, me hearties. It’s December and Christmas is everywhere, but I’m making it a piratical holiday! So all December I’m running a competition and all you have to do to enter is send me a picture of a piratical drawing. It can be a pirate ship, a...