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fifth_empire_of_man_200The Fifth Empire of Man (Book 2 of Best Laid Plans) will be releasing in 2017!

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start_a_fire_200It Takes A Thief To Start A Fire was released on 25th October 2016

It Takes a Thief To Start A Fire, the follow up to It Takes a Thief To Catch A Sunrise was be release on 25th October 2016 and is now available to order for Kindle or in paperback from Amazon.

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the_bound_folio_200The Bound Folio (Tales from First Earth) was released in June 2016!

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where_loyalties_lie_200Where Loyalties Lie (Book 1 of Best Laid Plans) will be releasing in December 2016!

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There are now maps of the world that The Ties That Bind trilogy and the forthcoming series, Best Laid Plans are set in. Click the thumbnails below to see larger versions. A big thankyou to Tim Paul for creating the maps.

tttb-map-thumb pirate-isles-map-thumb